社交媒体评论 & 隐私政策

I. The terms “we” and “MCHD” in this policy refers to the Matagorda County 区医院 and all owned, 管理, 对齐, and partner organizations including Matagorda Regional Medical Center, 马塔戈达医疗集团, 星际娱乐app, 星际娱乐app健康 & 康复中心, and all Community 健康 Clinic and Programs Centers throughout Matagorda County, 德州.

II. The term “Social Media” in this policy is intended to cover any and all social interactions on any and all public or private outlets including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, 推特, LinkedIn, 拥有新闻或博客, 管理, 或由卫生署赞助.

3. MCHD’s social media outlets are not actively monitored, which means comments may not be read or reviewed for several days – if ever. All MCHD posts on all social media platforms are for informational and marketing purposes only, and you must contact your licensed healthcare provider directly for any and all health-related inquiries or needs. Always call 911 immediately in case of an emergency.

IV. We encourage you to share your comments and ideas. 但是为了保护你的隐私, do not disclose personally identifiable information such as an e-mail address, home address or phone number for yourself or others.

V. We will consider your comments when posting new updates, but we are unable to respond directly to individual inquiries or 状态ments. We are also unable to answer questions about your specific health care situation. MCHD social media sites/pages/profiles are not actively 管理.

VI. MCHD does not collect personal information you make available on any social media site. 公共 comments you make might be reused later for content or marketing purposes, but will not include your name or photo.

7. MCHD does not endorse the comments or opinions provided by 访问ors of this Facebook page. The views expressed within posted comments do not necessarily reflect those of MCHD or any associated entity.

8. All MCHD social media platforms are for general information and marketing purposes only and do not constitute a public forum. MCHD retains the discretion to determine which comments violate our comment and privacy policy, and we reserve the right to remove and/or not allow comments to be posted without notice.

IX. To maintain respectful interaction on all MCHD social media outlets, we must insist that all comments:

a)保持专注. 欢迎大家发表意见, but comments should remain relevant to the platform on which it is posted and appropriate to the topic.

b)尊重他人. Respect the opinions of others and share your opinions in a respectful manner.

c)说实话. Spreading misleading or false information is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to posting information in direct conflict with local, 状态, and federal authority recommendations during a disaster, 散布谣言, 匿名发帖, 第三方, 或者片面的抱怨.

d)没有党派政治. Partisan political 状态ments and/or endorsements are strictly prohibited.

e)没有垃圾邮件. Repeated posting of identical or very similar content in a counter-productive manner is prohibited. This includes posts aggressively promoting or denigrating services, 产品, 个人, 企业, 或者政党.

X. Comments may be deleted at the sole discretion of MCHD personnel if they:

a) Contain commercial endorsements.

b)包含歧视性, 种族主义, 进攻, 淫秽, 炎症, 非法, or otherwise objectionable 状态ments, 语言或内容.

c) Are deemed overtly repetitious and/or negative, taunting, or harassing.

d) Offer or seem to offer health-related advice, including recommendations for treatment for any health-related issue.

e) Contain Personally Identifiable 信息 about yourself or another person.

f) Violate the spirit of this comment policy.


We reserve the right to block, delete, or ban offenders of this policy without notice. “喜欢,”评论, or interacting with any MCHD social media page, you are agreeing to the terms above.